Email marketing is great for internet marketing income. Realise what you are doing wrong in internet marketing!
1. First Name Basis
Using the first name in the subject box and in the e-mail is proven to generate more clicks in order for your subscribers to read the email. However, do not use too much of the first-name basis strategy in the subject box for every single email. It is a mistake Internet marketers do that tends to get over-used, making the subsciber uneasy.
2. Create a Powerful Headline
Most of the emails I used to subscribe to had headlines could make me sleep even before I could read them. Headlines must be powerful in order for the impact of curiosity to take place. Most Internet marketers focus more on the content of the email rather than the headline. Create a headline that attracts attention to the niche that you're in. If the headline said, "Jo Han, Maximize Your Sales Now!" This headline could intrigue entrepreneurs like me who want to expand their business and generate more profits.
3. A Content List
Most internet marketers do not feel the need to do this in email marketing. This is applicable only to short emails, but for long emails sch as a newsletter, it is more preferable to create a content list in your email. A content list is like a content page in a book, except in an email. Now creating content list in email marketing lets your subscribers know what you will be covering in your email. Create content lists that arouse the reader to further read the email for more effectiveness in promoting your product.
4. Your First Sentence
The first sentence in your email should leave your subscribers with an impact of curiosity to read on the rest of the email. Most Internet marketers just go straight into promoting the product without even invoking feelings into the subscriber. For example, there was first sentence in one of my emails that went like this: ‘My Mega Birthday Blowout is now LIVE'. Now, if I am a subscriber, I'll be wondering, "What the hell is he talking about?" That subscriber will have no choice but to read on the email copy to find out more. No one wants to be left out of something that someone wants to tell them about.
5. The Content
In email marketing, when you are promoting your product in an email, the mistake a lot of Internet marketers make is to describe and teach what was in the product. Although a lot of knowledge is good, teaching them is not. Why would you want to promote your product in your email when you already have a website promoting it? You have to write an email copy that can make the reader excited, curious and eager to know more. And just as they are burning up for your product, provide them with the link to your website. Implement certain copywriting techniques in it. Learn more content generation and email copy techniques by subscribing to other Internet marketers' emails.
These five mistakes in email marketing that most internet marketers make is something that you should watch out for. Learning from mistakes are good in this internet marketing journey. However, learning from mistakes that might cost you your sales is something not to be reckoned with.
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